You can eat like that, but I can’t. Ep.2

(Ep.2: Ed Lies Debunked)

Today’s lie: “You can eat like that, but I can’t.

When you’ve got some eating issues, you look at others and are forgiving of them. It’s easy to think, “Well, maybe you can eat like that, but I can’t. The diet you have, doesn’t make you huge. If I were to eat half of what you eat, I’d never stop growing!”

Partially that’s true. When you’ve malnourished your body long enough, it’ll grasp onto anything you give it for at least 1/2 a year! In combination with a slow metabolism it’s easy to pack on the pounds. Literally. After fighting mightily against the Holy Food Rules, one day you find yourself eating less regulated. You forgot which snacks you’ve eaten between your meals and you have no idea how many calories you’re at in your daily “budget.” And although you might feel quite large (as the mind takes longer to adjust), you are aware that you are NOT huge. Both, rationally and logically you understand you’re not. You’re eating what you did not allow yourself before. You’re eating as others are.

You realize- Hey! I’m not another species! I’m really NOT that different from those who “can” eat. There is NOT something wrong with me. There is NOT something wrong with my body. I have the genetics I do and it’s my choice if I will fight them my whole life. I carry more weight here and there, but that is what MY body needs.

Somewhere in your renewed mind, the gears start to shift and you see that you CAN eat too. And you’re okay.


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